16. All personnel landing with vehs whether actually carried in the veh or not will be treated as veh personnel and will be enumerated on the one form. For this reason such personnel will NOT proceed to the Personnel Transit Area, but to the Veh Transit Area, where documentation will be carried out. This will, of course, only apply whilst the Transit Areas are operating, i.e, tides two; three and four.


17. Sups.

(a) Units will land with two 24-hr pack rations.
(b) One days Compo will be carried in unit tpt.
(c) One days Compo will be landed in second line tpt on D Day
(d) One days reserve Compo will be landed subsequent to D Day in second line tpt.
(e) Sup Pt will open D plus 1 , then daily, units will be notified of loan and time.
(f) NO rations will be drawn from BMA prior to D plus 2 except in cases of emergency.

8. Scales of Rations.

(a) Ration Scales, and how they will be drawn, are shown at Appx "G".

(b) One tin self heating soup per man per day is being included in the sea passage ration, which will be loaded on all craft under arrangements Second Army.

19. POL.

(a) Vehs will carry full tanks plus 3 Jerricans reserve, for vehs of 15 cwt and under, 5 Jerricans for vehs over 15 cwt incl carriers.

(b) 25 miles POL for all vehs is being landed on RASC tpt, and is expected to be available for drawing evening D Day.

(c) POL should NOT be drawn from pet depot except in the case of an emergency on D Day.

20. AMN.

(a) All units will carry full first line scale of amn, plus extra as tpt lift will permit.

(b) Amn of all natures will be available for drawing on evening D Day from Div amn pt. Units will be notified of time and place.

24. WATER.

(a) All tps will land with full water bottles.
(b) 1 1/2 galls per man will be carried in unit tpt.
(c) Water pts will be opened as soon as possible under arrangements C.R.E. Units will be notified of time and loan for drawing.


(a) RASC will pro-load water at scale of 1/2 gal per man, one days Compo ration far 450 men, and amn to scale detailed separately. These vehs will be phased in to land in time to replenish 47 Commando; evening D Day.


(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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Archive: 50 (NORTHUMBRIAN) Division Adm Order No.1.

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